Lately I’ve been using public transport quite frequently. And I thought this time around I am going to congratulate Milnerton High School.

On a cool autumn morning (5 May) with a forecast of rain, I decided on the way into the CBD, that it would be easier to leave my car at Bayside center and take the MyCiti bus instead. In the afternoon en-route back to Bayside, the bus stops near Milnerton High – and as the last time – a group of well-dressed pupils enter the bus. Normally this time of the day the bus is very full and you do not always get a sitting seat, and standing is normal. One stop later, a few people got off the bus and seats became available. This group of pupils asked around in the bus if an adult wanted to sit on the open seats before they occupied the said seats.

Well done Milnerton High – you have STAR pupils with good manners!

Thank you to the pupils – you made my heart feel warm on a chilly afternoon.

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