Gedagte vir die week. Vertel die Here alles waaroor jy dink…Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.
Become a SponsorGedagte vir die week. Vertel die Here alles waaroor jy dink…Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.
Become a SponsorVakature – Hoërskool dr EG Jansen, Boksburg benodig ‘n buite-afrigter vir rugby. Meer skolenuus: https://schoolsthatrock.co.za/ https://www.egjansen.co.za/
Suid-Sirkel Atletiekbyeenkoms. Welkom Volkskool atlete het tydens die jaarlikse Suid-Sirkel Atletiekbyeenkoms rekords gebreek. Lees meer skolenuus: https://schoolsthatrock.co.za/ https://welkomvolkskool.co.za/ Foto verskaf