Glenwood High School will be hosting its annual Wine Auction in September 2017, in conjunction with Worcester Primary School. We would like to extend a cordial invitation to you to attend this event. The auction features great wines from the Boland Wine Region. Funds raised at this event will be channelled to support Glenwood’s Vision 2022 Projects.

Date:                           Friday 13 October 2017

Time:                           18:30 for 19:00

Cost:                            R200 per person (R2000 per table of 10)

Venue:                         School Hall

Dress:                          Semi-Formal

Entertainment:            Blarney Brothers (Foot stomping Irish Party Band).

A light meal will be served and a cash bar will be available.

Final Bookings:           Tuesday 10 October 2017 at 12:00.

PLEASE NOTE: All payments to be made directly to the School on the Wine Auction Account – Mrs Colleen Stopford (031) 2744409.

Banking Details:

FNB Davenport – Acc no. 50710175338

Branch Code – 220226

Ref – Wine Auction & your name

Please email or fax your proof of payment to the school for attention: Mrs Hannelie Erasmus –


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